The rise of Glovo and the decline of labor

Erabiltzailearen aurpegia Argia 2019ko mai. 3a, 12:46

Since its founding in 2015, Glovo has been expanding across the Iberian Peninsula and the world so quickly that we have not had the time to appropriately react and evaluate its impacts on our lives. The company uses a business model and marketing strategy that were first developed and perfected in Silicon Valley, USA by giants such as Google, Uber, and Facebook.

These new “platforms” create a new power relationship between itself and its workers and between itself and society, allowing it to avoid things that we expect of most members of society, such as taxes, decent labor conditions, and a basic sense of responsibility for its actions. This new dynamic has proved extremely dangerous in the United States where a dystopian world has taken place in which basic worker protections are a whimsical dream, and extreme exploitation is the norm.

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